Engineering Solutions & OEM
For three decades, Jurby Water Tech International's Engineering Division has been synonymous with delivering customized excellence in industrial water treatment, water purification, and wastewater treatment, serving vital industries with distinction.
At the heart of our operations lies Original Equipment Manufacturing (OEM), where we diligently translate your specifications into reality, always adhering to industry benchmarks and standards. ISO, ASME, and EN standards are the cornerstones of our manufacturing processes.
We prioritize effective communication by providing technical documentation in your preferred language, aligning with your unique needs.
With 30 years of invaluable experience, we bring a professional, 'tailor-made' approach to every project, guaranteeing precision and excellence in manufacturing solutions that define industry standards.
Elevate your project with our services
Contact us today to explore customized engineering solutions and take your project to the next level.

We Offer
Explore our range of tailored water treatment engineering solutions to cater to different industries
Engineering Solutions
A-Stream Clarifier series CD
A-Stream series CD is designed to purify natural and wastewater from suspended solids and coarse impurities at about 6-8 m/h operating deposition rate.
A-Stream series CD is automated high-speed sectional unit with capacity of each block is 50… 200m3/h. The capacity of one section is up to 50m3/h. Number of sections in the block 1… 4.
Scope of application
Pretreatment in industrial water treatment systems
Removal of suspended solids and coarse impurities during disposal of waste and wastewater.
A-stream SD® is a high-rate clarifier, which guarantees the effective and low cost water pretreatment. It has proved its efficiency at sedimentation velocity 6-8 m/h.
Operation principle
Operation is based on water pulsations, created by the reactor.
Unique pulse profile, created by the external air pressure, enables effective sedimentation of suspended particles.
Raw water is supplied to the reactor from which it is gradually pushed out to the clarifiers using air blower. At the end of this process, air release valve at the top of the reactor is opened, and this gives a sudden fall of water level in the clarifiers so providing kinetic power to the sludge, forcing it to the bottom, where it is further lead out.
Construction principle
Clarifiers are made of polypropylene shell enclosed by the steel frame.
Clarifier shell contains case of three lamella shelves, water inlet/outlet and sludge outlet distributors.
Block of lamella shelves is an individual component which can be easy taken out from the clarifier for cleaning.
Application field
Effective surface water pretreatment for downstream treatment.
Low investment cost on equipment
Low operation cost
Easy maintenance and operation
Long service life ensured by corrosion resistant materials

Can be applied in the following industries:
Agro industry
Agrochemistry & Fertiliser industry
Chemical industry
Coal and mining
Food industry
Metallurgical industry
Municipal utilities sector
Oil & Gas industry
Oil refining & Petrochemical
Pharmaceutical industry
Power engineering industry
AquaHard Dosing unit series MX
AquaHard series MX is designed for dosing chemical solutions such as:
Coagulants and flocculants;
Acids and alkalis; -
Antiscalants and biocides;
Nutritional Supplements for MBR.
AquaHard series MX automated dosing units is designed to prepare chemical solutions at the required concentration and to dose automatically predetermined dose to the flow according to the signal coming through the controller.
Scope of application
Chemical water, sludge and wastewater treatment systems in industry and household and public utilities
Water treatment for circulating cooling systems

Can be applied in the following industries:
Agro industry
Agrochemistry & Fertiliser industry
Chemical industry
Coal and mining
Food industry
Metallurgical industry
Municipal utilities sector
Oil & Gas industry
Oil refining & Petrochemical
Pharmaceutical industry
Power engineering industry
AquaHard Ion exchange filtration plants series I
AquaHard series I is designed for purification of natural and wastewater from dissolved impurities by ion exchange technology.
AquaHard series I is designed for softening and desalination of water. There are direct-flow, counter-current, dealkalization, and technologies with full regeneration used for softening and desalination of water.
AquaHard series I successfully operated since 2003.
Scope of application
Water desalination and condensate treatment in power plants and other industries
Household and public services
Food industry
Wastewater treatment and neutralization.

Can be applied in the following industries:
Agro industry
Agrochemistry & Fertiliser industry
Chemical industry
Coal and mining
Food industry
Metallurgical industry
Municipal utilities sector
Oil & Gas industry
Oil refining & Petrochemical
Pharmaceutical industry
Power engineering industry
GreenFort Flotation FL
Can be applied in the following industries:
GreenFort series FL is designed to reduce high concentrations of suspended solids, oil products and other emulsified liquid substances in wastewater.
The main components of the flotator:
flotation chamber
recirculation pump
saturator -
air compressor
Scope of application
Industrial wastewater (storm sewer systems, equipment backwash water, quarry water) pretreatment removing oil products, suspended solids, surfactants.

Agro industry
Agrochemistry & Fertiliser industry
Chemical industry
Coal and mining
Food industry
Metallurgical industry
Municipal utilities sector
Oil & Gas industry
Oil refining & Petrochemical
Pharmaceutical industry
Power engineering industry
GreenFort Oil Trap series OS
GreenFort series OS is designed as thin-layered settling tank for the wastewater, which contains oil products, treatment. It serves to separate suspended sediments from wastewater and to collect pop-up oil products.
GreenFort series OS is automated modular plant which capacity is from 10m3/h and can be customized by each project requirements individually.
Scope of application
Local wastewater treatment facilities for return, backwash, drainage water treatment.

Can be applied in the following industries:
Agro industry
Agrochemistry & Fertiliser industry
Chemical industry
Coal and mining
Food industry
Metallurgical industry
Municipal utilities sector
Oil & Gas industry
Oil refining & Petrochemical
Pharmaceutical industry
Power engineering industry
JurbyFlow Electrodeionization series EDI
JurbyFlow series EDI is designed for deep water desalination reducing electrical conductivity (from 4…10μS to 0.2μS) by combining ion exchange and electrodialysis methods.
JurbyFlow series EDI successfully operates since 2011.
Scope of application
Deep water desalination in power plants and other industries
Production of ultrapure water in microelectronics.

Can be applied in the following industries:
Agro industry
Agrochemistry & Fertiliser industry
Chemical industry
Coal and mining
Food industry
Metallurgical industry
Municipal utilities sector
Oil & Gas industry
Oil refining & Petrochemical
Pharmaceutical industry
Power engineering industry
JurbyFlow Reverse Osmosis series RO
Can be applied in the following industries:
JurbyFlow series RO is designed to remove dissolved impurities and desalinate water with minimal consumption of chemicals.
JurbyFlow series RO successfully operated since 2003.
Scope of application
For water desalination in power plants, oil refining, metallurgy
For drinking water preparation in household and public utilities and the food industry
Final wastewater treatment
Sea water desalination

Agro industry
Agrochemistry & Fertiliser industry
Chemical industry
Coal and mining
Food industry
Metallurgical industry
Municipal utilities sector
Oil & Gas industry
Oil refining & Petrochemical
Pharmaceutical industry
Power engineering industry
AquaHard Clean-in-Place unit series CIP
AquaHard series CIP is designed for ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis or electrodeionization membranes chemical cleaning without disassembly or dismantling (CIP – “clean in place”) in order to restore the original membranes performance.
Scope of application
CIP cleaning unit restores the original performance of membranes. It is carried out by recirculation of special detergent acid, alkaline or disinfectant solution through membrane block. As a result, deposits of inorganic, organic and biological substances are removed from the surface of membranes. To increase efficiency of cleaning, the cleaning solution is heated to 35°С.

Can be applied in the following industries:
Agro industry
Agrochemistry & Fertiliser industry
Chemical industry
Coal and mining
Food industry
Metallurgical industry
Municipal utilities sector
Oil & Gas industry
Oil refining & Petrochemical
Pharmaceutical industry
Power engineering industry
AquaHard Filtration unit series MF and AC
Can be applied in the following industries:
AquaHard series MF
AquaHard series MF is designed to purify natural and wastewater by pressure filtration removing suspended solids, iron and manganese.
AquaHard series AC
AquaHard series AC is designed to purify natural and wastewater from toxic substances, dissolved impurities, gases, heavy metals, improve odor, taste and color by sorption filtration.
AquaHard series MF and AC
AquaHard series MF and AC successfully operated since 2002.
Scope of application
Water pretreatment in power plants, oil refining, metallurgy Circulating cooling water pretreatment
Water treatment from toxic impurities
Water dechlorination before Reverse Osmosis plants.

Agro industry
Agrochemistry & Fertiliser industry
Chemical industry
Coal and mining
Food industry
Metallurgical industry
Municipal utilities sector
Oil & Gas industry
Oil refining & Petrochemical
Pharmaceutical industry
Power engineering industry
AquaHard Pump stations series P
AquaHard series P is designed to supply and increase the pressure of water, effluents, pumping out drains and sludge.
AquaHard series P operates in automatic mode from the frequency converter, ensuring the specified pressure, flow rate in the pipeline or level in the tank.
AquaHard series P provide the ability to work not only as independent station but also as part of technological chain with common algorithm of work.
AquaHard series P ensures:
even distribution of the load on the pumps;
possibility of manual control;
protection from dry running, motor overheating and other emergency situations; -
one standby pump.

Can be applied in the following industries:
Agro industry
Agrochemistry & Fertiliser industry
Chemical industry
Coal and mining
Food industry
Metallurgical industry
Municipal utilities sector
Oil & Gas industry
Oil refining & Petrochemical
Pharmaceutical industry
Power engineering industry
GreenFort Membrane bioreactor series MBR
Can be applied in the following industries:
GreenFort series MBR is designed for biological wastewater treatment reducing organic impurities, biogenic substance, suspended solids and colloids to permissible concentration in waterbodies. Effectively removes microplastics from water.
GreenFort series MBR is automated modular wastewater treatment plant based on standard three-zoned biological membranes reactor.
Scope of application
Treatment of wastewater contaminated with biogenic substances (mainly from wastewater of the household and public services and industry).
Aerobic biological treatment
Aerobic biological treatment is a common wide spread and well accepted technology to treat many different industrial and municipal waste waters. We at Jurby have over 20 years experience in selecting and operating many types of waste water treatment plants (WWTPs) for different industries.
In order to select the best suitable treatment technology to suit your needs, we use our vast experience of not only designing and building waste water treatment plants, but also operating them. We are familiar with all modern treatment technologies and their advantages and disadvantages. A selection of treatment systems we have applied are shown below.
Conventional activated sludge system typically suitable for industrial waste waters with a COD below circa 2000 mg/l and that needs to produce an effluent quality of 120 mg/l, 20 mg/l BOD and 30 mg/l SS.
When this same waste water requires lower final effluent concentrations for COD, BOD, SS and other parameters, Jurby applies membrane bioreactor (MBR) technology with submerged or external membranes. Below is a flow scheme shown with submerged membranes.
Depending on the required effluent quality, the design sludge age will be adjusted to provide a customized, perfectly matching biological system, followed with tertiary treatment like activated carbon filtration, tertiary denitrification, UV treatment etc. if required to provide an economical and sustainable waste water plant. The flow scheme indicates that the MBR aeration tank and membrane system take up less space than a conventional activated sludge system. This makes MBR technology extra advantageous for facilities with limited space or for WWTP’s that require upgrades.
Anaerobic treatment
When waste water COD values rise above 2000 mg/l (or BOD values are above 1000 mg/l), anaerobic treatment becomes an option as it is more sustainable and in the long run more economical. Jurby WaterTech is experienced in selecting the most suitable anaerobic treatment system for each waste water application, either for breweries, other food and beverage processing companies, pulp and paper industry and the (petro) chemical industry. Anaerobic treatment produces biogas that can be used on side and reduces the overall sludge production and thus sludge discharge costs significantly. The operation of the anaerobic treatment system is more economical than for aerobic treatment as there is no requirement for aeration energy. The effluent quality from anaerobic systems is normally not sufficient for direct discharge and aerobic biological treatment is usually provided following aerobic treatment to meet the licence limits.
Advantages Anaerobic treatment
Biogas production
Low sludge production (circa 10% of aerobic systems) and thus low sludge disposal costs
No odour release
Small footprint
Energy production instead of energy consumption
Anaerobic treatment is ideal for waste waters with easily biodegradable waste components and for existing waste water treatment plants that require increased treatment capacity.
For the petrochemical industry, the waste water requires substantial pretreatment before the waste water can be treated biologically as oil particles disrupt the biological treatment and sludge clarification, both in conventional clarifiers and in membrane systems. A typical block flow diagram is shown below indicating two pretreatment steps.
Screening and grit removal is important to take out smaller particulate matter and to protect downstream equipment from rags and other large items . In the first primary oil/water separator that can also serve as a balancing tank oil will be taken of the surface as the first oil/water separation process. In the secondary oil/water separation which is often a mechanical device, the remaining oil particles, either floating or suspended is removed. Often DAF units are used for that. Following the intensive pretreatment, aerobic biological treatment is used to remove the organic components as well as the nutrients present. After either gravity sedimentation or membrane separation further tertiary treatment can be required to comply with discharge licence limits or to produce a water quality that can be re-used on side.
Agro industry
Agrochemistry & Fertiliser industry
Chemical industry
Coal and mining
Food industry
Metallurgical industry
Municipal utilities sector
Oil & Gas industry
Oil refining & Petrochemical
Pharmaceutical industry
Power engineering industry
GreenFort Sludge Treatment Plant series ST
GreenFort series ST is technological solution for sludge from wastewater treatment by dehydration and thickening and pretreatment of natural waters.
GreenFort series ST includes following equipment:
Filter press
Dehydrator -
Screw conveyor
Bag filter -
Sludge thickener
GreenFort series ST is automated modular plant.

Can be applied in the following industries:
Agro industry
Agrochemistry & Fertiliser industry
Chemical industry
Coal and mining
Food industry
Metallurgical industry
Municipal utilities sector
Oil & Gas industry
Oil refining & Petrochemical
Pharmaceutical industry
Power engineering industry
JurbyFlow Membrane Degassing series МDE
JurbyFlow series MDE is designed to remove dissolved gases (oxygen, carbon dioxide, etc.) from water.
Scope of application
Removal of dissolved gases for water treatment in the power plants, microelectronics and food industries

Can be applied in the following industries:
Agro industry
Agrochemistry & Fertiliser industry
Chemical industry
Coal and mining
Food industry
Metallurgical industry
Municipal utilities sector
Oil & Gas industry
Oil refining & Petrochemical
Pharmaceutical industry
Power engineering industry
JurbyFlow Ultrafiltration series UF
JurbyFlow series UF is designed to remove from natural and wastewater:
suspended solids
colloidal impurities, iron, aluminum, humates -
turbidity and color of water
SDI < 3
JurbyFlow series UF successfully operated since 2007.
Scope of application
as pre-treatment before desalination plants in power engineering, oil refining, metallurgy
for drinking water preparation in household and public utilities and the food industry for wastewater treatment.

Can be applied in the following industries:
Agro industry
Agrochemistry & Fertiliser industry
Chemical industry
Coal and mining
Food industry
Metallurgical industry
Municipal utilities sector
Oil & Gas industry
Oil refining & Petrochemical
Pharmaceutical industry
Power engineering industry
OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturing
Activated carbon filtration unit
Original Equipment Manufacturing
Jurby Water Tech

CIP unit
Clean-in-place (CIP) is designed to clean and sanitize various pipes, tanks, filters, and other equipment used in the treatment process. The CIP unit operates by circulating cleaning solution through the equipment this way cleaning it. This removes any buildup of scale, sediment or biological growth that may have accumulated on the equipment and on membranes (Reverse Osmosis, Ultrafiltration). The system is being flushed with water to remove any maintaining residue and sanitize surfaces.
CIP units are essential for maintaining performance and longevity of water treatment plant equipment. By regularly cleaning and sanitizing the components of the plant, The CIP unit helps to optimize plants performance, reduce energy consumption, and ensure that the water treatment process is effective and consistent.

Electrodeionization unit
Electrodeionization system is a continuous electro-chemical process of water deionization by removing ionized and ionizable species from reverse osmosis permeate using DC power. Electrodeionization modules consist of multiple layers of ion exchange membranes with the space between each membrane filled with ion exchange resin. This water treatment process does not require caustic and acidic types of chemicals.

Mechanical filtration unit
Mechanical filtration is applied for solids removal from water (or wastewater). Low maintenance is one of the benefits of this water treatment process. Small particles, including sediment, iron, manganese, and organic materials are removed by mechanical filters.
Types of mechanical filters:
Media filters
Screen filters
Cartridge filters

Mix bed ion exchange unit
Mixed bed ion exchange unit is mainly used for polishing reverse osmosis permeate or demineralized water from ion exchange filters to ensure that the treated water is reached the highest possible purity. It consists of strong acid cation exchange and strong base anion exchange resin. The mixed bed filter is highly effective in removing ionic impurities such as minerals, salts, silica, and sodium from water.

Oil water separator
An oil water separator is a device designed to remove oil and other hydrocarbons from wastewater before it is discharged into the environment. It uses a series of closely spaced corrugated plates to create a highly efficient separation process. As wastewater flows through the separator, the plates trap and accumulate oil droplets, which eventually float to the surface and can be skimmed off. The separated oil is then directed to a storage tank for recycling or disposal, while the clean water can be safely discharged into the environment. CPI oil water separators are commonly used in industrial applications where large quantities of wastewater are generated, such as oil refineries, petrochemical plants, and metal processing facilities. They are prized for their compact design, high efficiency, and low maintenance requirements.

Reverse osmosis unit
Reverse osmosis (RO) is a pressure-driven water treatment process that removes contaminants from water by a semipermeable membrane. Reverse osmosis rejects about 95 – 99% of dissolved salts, it depends on system design, membrane type, and feed water parameters. Reverse osmosis also removes organics (pesticides, herbicides, sugars), bacteria, antibiotics, and nitrates. Reverse Osmosis is widely applied for brackish and seawater desalination.

Water clarification unit
Water clarification unit is an initial step of water or wastewater treatment process. It is designed to remove suspended solids by settling and to provide a clarified effluent.

Chemical injection unit
Original Equipment Manufacturing
Jurby Water Tech

Degassing unit
Original Equipment Manufacturing
Jurby Water Tech

Ion exchange unit
Original Equipment Manufacturing
Jurby Water Tech

Membrane degassing unit
Original Equipment Manufacturing
Jurby Water Tech

Nanofiltration unit
Nanofiltration is a membrane liquid-separation technology. Its design and operation mode is very similar to reverse osmosis. Unlike reverse osmosis, nanofiltration operates at low water pressure but it has low rejection of monovalent ions, such as chloride. Nanofiltration has high rejection of multivalent ions, such as calcium, it can also remove contaminants such as bacteria, pesticides, and proteins down to 0.001 microns in size.

Pump station
Pumps station is responsible for pumping water from one point to another. It maintains the required water pressure and flow rate throughout the treatment process, ensuring efficient and effective water treatment. The station is typically equipped with one or more pumps, motor controls and associated piping, valves, and instrumentations.

Ultrafiltration unit
Ultrafiltration is one of the membrane filtration types. It separates solid particles from the influent source by using a pressure gradient to force water through a semi-permeable membrane and leaving larger particles trapped on the other side. Ultrafiltration can be applied for potable water treatment by removing inorganic solids, viruses, and bacteria. It can also be used as pretreatment for other water treatment processes, such as Reverse Osmosis.

Maintenance and R&D
Jurby WaterTech International provides complete start-up, technical support, and on-site surveillance of chemical water treatment process throughout all application time. Our qualified and experienced engineers carry out all work required for the effective operation of chemical water treatment of boilers, cooling towers, and reverse osmosis plants, including:
examination and analysis of system performance and the water-chemical regime;
identification of problems and their causes;
selection the most appropriate treatment programme comprised of JurbySoft® and ROptima® products;
design and manufacturing of dosing and monitoring equipment AquaDos;
Installation and commissioning of dosing and monitoring equipment;
regular visiting to check water quality and overall chemical water treatment performance;
if needed, implementation of corrective actions in chemical water treatment;
replacement of equipment and parts, the calibration and adjustment of measuring devices and dosing pumps;
training and consultation of operating personnel.
Whatever a plant’s operational problems or damage, Jurby WaterTech International’s service engineers can prepare a detailed diagnosis of the problem in a very short time, analyse the type of corrective solution required to eliminate the issues and recommend the most economical preventive maintenance to prevent the same problem happening in the future. To accomplish the stated tasks, the service department has all the modern equipment required and up-to-date measurement devices from the world’s leading manufacturers.
Qualified technical specialists, wide operational experience, and the availability of the Chemical Water Treatment Division’s R&D Laboratory allow the engineers to work continuously on the improvement and development of new technologies to meet the growing demands of operations and environmental services.
The key advantages of cooperation with Jurby WaterTech International are its rich experience in the field of water treatment, the responsible way it deals with issues and the high creative potential of company personnel.
Research & Development Laboratory
The Research and Development (R&D) laboratory is a part of the Chemical Water Treatment and the Engineering Divisions. The R&D laboratory’s main goals are studying the new prevailing trends in science and engineering, and developing and implementing the technology to meet customer requirements of today and in the future.
Some of R&D laboratory objectives:
Finding new active materials for chemical water treatment products creation/improvement;
Specialized data analysis of scientific information and objects documentation;
New products development based on client’s request and engineer’s submitted problems;
Selection of suitable and effective chemical treatment programmes for a different types of processes;
Membrane technology processes;
Investigation of specific problems related to customers’ water systems;
Final process modelling on pilot installations, problem simulation and monitoring for the evaluation of technology effectiveness;
Development of economical, practical, and ecological solutions; etc.
The main product types in which the R&D laboratory specialises are: scale, corrosion inhibitors, dispersants, biocides, antiscalants, cleaners, etc. for use in open cooling systems, coolers, boilers, closed cooling/heating systems and reverse osmosis systems.
The Jurby WaterTech International specialists are ready to assist you and provide the best-quality service to suit all cases. According to your request, specialists will recommend specially selected products and water treatment programmes and technologies for you.
Case studies

Demineralized water plant in oil refinery

Water treatment plant for fertilizers production company