Food Industry
Enterprises in the food industry require water of drinking quality, with strictly controlled levels of organic matter, suspended matter, iron, and manganese. Water for food industry sectors is the most important raw and technological material. Water is used for a variety of processes, and its consumption per 1 kg production ranges from several liters to hundreds of liters.
Water in food industry enterprises is used for cleaning equipment and tanks, flushing pipes, disinfection, cooling, air conditioning, steam production and in the production itself.
In the production of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, water is the most important raw and technological material. The following are two main water properties that should be taken into account when water is to be used for alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverage production:
Taste, which is conveyed to the final product;
Ion balance in water.
Water treatment is the most important technological component in the production of beverages. General requirements for water treatment systems intended for production of non-alcoholic beverages are as follows: absence of microorganisms, restrictions regarding content of sodium, chlorides and alkalinity.
It is necessary to use one of several demineralization methods for non-alcoholic beverages low in sodium or without it, and most frequently, selection of reverse osmosis technology provides the optimum solution.
General requirements for water treatment systems intended for production of beerare as follows: bacterial purity, restrictions regarding рН values, alkalinity, water hardness, and oxidation.
Irrespective of the absence of substantial restrictions regarding dry residues, water treatment during beer production frequently includes reverse osmosis to normalize molecular-ion composition of the water, and only a part of the end use flow is let through reverse osmosis membrane, this part further is mixed with decontaminated water from water supply lines, whatever method of decontamination has been used. Depending on the area of treatment at companies producing alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages, Jurby WaterTech International offers technologies applicable to the following:
Water treatment for technological processes;
Steam production.
To meet the needs of enterprises engaged in the production of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, Jurby WaterTech International offers water treatment intended for low pressure boilers, condensate purification, and water treatment for technological needs: (production manufacturing, technical needs).
Secure, high-performance solutions in the field of water treatment and purification intended for enterprises engaged in production of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages are offered by the Engineering Division and the Chemical Water Treatment Division of Jurby WaterTech International.