Municipal Utilities Sector
Municipal water supply is a vital element in the provision of services to the population, and the health of the population depends markedly on the quality of drinking water and the level of health and disease control, as well as the degree of residential development and the urban environment.
To meet needs of the Municipal Utilities Sector, Jurby WaterTech International offers water treatment technologies intended for domestic potable water, with the application of filtration, deferrization, ultrafiltration, decontamination and partial demineralisation technologies. Secure, high-performance solutions to meet the needs of the F-M Sector regarding water purification and treatment are offered by the Engineering Division and the Chemical Water Treatment Division of Jurby WaterTech International Company.
To meet the needs of the Residential-Municipal Sector, the Engineering Division offersthe following services:
Up-to-date and reliable technological solutions to the problems of water purification and treatment intended for domestic potable water with the minimum possible capital and operating expenditures;
Reliable execution of projects of varying complexity : from container based installations to city water treatment facilities intended for populations of 100 000 and more;
Development of technical and economic assessments.
Investigation of existing systems and formulation of recommendations;
Reconstruction of existing water treatment systems;
High-quality and complete planning and design in compliance with the norms and standards;
Construction of WIW (Water Intake Works) as general contractor;
Execution of contract-supervision work and startup and commissioning work;
Personnel training and high-quality servicing;
Municipal Water Supply project execution on ЕРС/ЕРСМ terms.