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Expert Insights. Viktoras Stulgaitis, Director of Engineering Division

Jurby Watertech International

Jun 28, 2023

Exclusive interview and a closer look to water treatment industry

Viktoras, You have been working with Jurby Watertech International for 10 years, so what trends do you see in water treatment during these years?

Viktoras Stulgaitis:

Ten years is quite a long time to see the trends and challenges awaiting. Especially in recent years, I notice that membrane technologies are replacing classic water treatment technologies. And I’m sure this trend will continue strengthening with time, as more and more customers are concerned about ecological issues. 

Modern companies not only prioritise the water treatment technology itself but care about sustainability and environmental pollution. The main aim is to use technologies that pollute the environment less, so we have a growing market for ZLD (Zero liquid discharge) technologies, which allow us to ensure both lower water consumption and reduce environmental pollution. All these measures enable companies not only to reduce their production costs and pollute nature less.

Where do you see the biggest future challenges in water treatment?

Viktoras Stulgaitis: 

Due to the shortage of fresh water on a global scale, special attention goes to the desalination of saline water. Currently, water engineers are working on the improvement of existing solutions seeking ways to reduce the consumption of energy and reagents. In parallel new research and technologies are being constantly developed. I can mention two major water desalination technologies: Membrane (Reverse Osmosis) and Thermal Water Desalination. Reverse osmosis desalination uses the principle of osmosis to remove salts and other impurities by passing water through several semi-permeable membranes. Thermal desalination uses heat, often waste heat from power plants or oil refineries, to evaporate and condense water.

Reverse Osmosis System in production

Do you observe any attitudes change talking about the importance of water, especially wastewater treatment?

Viktoras Stulgaitis:

As more and more people face the problem of fresh water shortage, they start thinking about water saving. The constant increase in freshwater prices also makes us consider saving and reusing water. Wastewater treatment also becomes self-evident: if you pollute nature with your sewage, you also pollute the water you later use for your needs.

Can you mention countries or regions where clean water demand is growing especially fast?

Viktoras Stulgaitis:

I can mark out Africa, especially North Africa and the Middle East regions. Clean water demand is increasing, so special attention is paid to desalination and containerised water and wastewater treatment systems.

How can Jurby contribute to this? What are Jurby's strengths/specialties?

Viktoras Stulgaitis:

Jurby Watertech International has been working in the water treatment business for over 30 years, accumulated experience in different technologies, and engineering solution adaptation in various industries and spheres of human life. Experienced and professional employees let us offer modern low-polluting water-saving technologies to the market. 



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