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ROptima Chemical Products Application
Jurby Watertech International
Feb 13, 2023
ROptima Chemical Products Were Successfully Applied in the Treatment of Landfill Leachate
Landfills are one of the main problems of the municipal solid waste management system in Europe and even worldwide. In this industry, disc tube RO (DT-RO) technology is widely used for leachate treatment. The leachate generated by waste transformation and rainfall, which can be identified by specific properties and variables, contains a large amount of contaminated and hazardous substances that affect and endanger the environment. Therefore, an effective chemical membrane treatment programme must be in place for optimal and smooth operation of the reverse osmosis equipment.
Jurby WaterTech International’s specialists selected the right chemical products and developed a chemical treatment programme for DT-RO treatment that has been successfully applied to municipal landfill plants. Products from the ROptima product line were applied:
ROptima 507 antiscalant. It is a concentrated product based on high-performance organophosphorus compounds (phosphonates).
ROptima 503 acidic membrane cleaner. It is a concentrated product based on organic acids and phosphonates.
ROptima 513 alkaline membrane cleaner. It is a concentrated detergent with chelating agents.

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