Power engineering Industry
Development of the power engineering industry requires not only the new capacity to be brought into operation and also existing plants to be reconstructed. The main aims to be met by power engineers are as follows: improving the efficiency of the power engineering units, reducing the number of operating personnel required, and widespread implementation of mechanization and automation of the technological processes. The main objectives of water treatment intended for thermal and power engineering include preventing the adverse influence of solutes which cause scum formation, and that of dissolved gases which increase the water’s reactiveness. The main conditions for durable and reliable use of a power engineering industry unit are a reliable and professionally designed water treatment program and maintenance of the corresponding water-chemical treatment of steam generators, strict observance of operational quality standards for:
Boiler water;
Steam and condensate.
High-performance solutions to problems of water treatment and purification intended for enterprises in the power engineering industry are offered by the Engineering Division and the Chemical Treatment Division of Jurby WaterTech International.
The Engineering Division offers savings in energy and resource consumption, environmentally effective schemes of water treatment, development of the best technological water treatment schemes for new projects and already existing CWT systems, fulfills water treatment installation construction contracts on ЕРС/ ЕРСМ (i.e.”turnkey”) terms.
To meet the needs of power engineering industry enterprises, the Engineering Division develops optimal technological schemes for new projects, and also carries out a partial or complete reconstruction of existing CWT systems including the following:
Preparation of feed water for low, medium, and high-pressure boilers;
Modularised desalination installations intended for power units of electricity generating stations;
Purification of condensate.
To meet the needs of enterprises in the power engineering industry, the Chemical Water Treatment Division offers effective water treatment programs for stabilization and correction designed for three technological fields:
Stabilized treatment of cooling water;
Correction treatment intended for steam boilers and heating systems;
Chemicals for membrane technologies.
The divisions’ chemical technologies and integrated solutions enhance the quality of the end product, improve production capacity, cut operational expenditure, and also minimize environmental load.